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Publisher of unique educational books, ebooks and multi-media for children and adults.  Computer science is for everyone!


Why Computer Science?

The since the beginning of time the planet has been swarming with carbon based human life forms.  Now it is awash with their silicon based tools. From earliest levels the study of biology and the other major sciences is  integrated into the school curriculum.   On the other hand before entering college (at the time of this writing) those same students will be giving few chances to study computer science.   It would be a benefit to all to see some dramatic upward change in the current status of computer education.  The study of computer science is as relevant as any other major branch of science as an academic pursuit.   This is true in terms of both its impact on our daily lives and as a possible career choice.

Some people might be asking:   “Exactly what is computing machinery?”   “What is information?”  “How do you define a circular definition?”  “Is a cave painting information technology?”

“Many have been taught to work computers, few have learned how computers work.”

~M. Maxwell